Intro To Mindfulness with Horses

By Wellspring Therapeutics, PLLC (other events)

2 Dates Through Apr 24, 2022

INTRO TO MINDFULNESS with HORSES: An equine experiential wellness workshop.
Sam Zorn, Equine Coach, and owner of The Herd Effect, in collaboration with Regina Visconi, LMT, MBSR Coach, and owner of Wellspring Therapeutics, PLLC, would like to invite you to join us for an experience like no other.
We will begin our day engaged in a planned mindfulness activity. Introducing you to the simple practice of being present, helping to prepare your hearts and minds for a more personal encounter with your equine partner. Then, enjoy a tranquil and meditative Crystal Bow Sound Bath in the roundpen with the horses before we move into the next part of our workshop; grooming, observing, working with and learning from our horse herd.

Horses are great models for mindfulness. As prey animals their natural instinct to survive is ingrained into their sense of wellbeing, and they live in a constant state of environmental awareness. For this reason, horses are highly aware and sensitive animals, and can offer us insight into ourselves through our interactions with them. We can benefit from their feedback, becoming more conscious of our own needs by understanding our feelings, reactions, body language, and energetic exchanges. Gain a deeper awareness of yourself, and use this to create healthier interpersonal dynamics.
No riding is involved, just interacting. No prior horse experience is needed.

This is a larger group workshop, inteneded to be an introcdcutory expereince and gateway to more advanced horsemanship and equine interactive learning.

We are so fortunate to have this event taking place at the beautiful Honeysuckle Ranch at Bee Tree Farm.
Details and address will be sent to you upon registration and full payment.

Your hosts & facilitators:

Sam Zorn:
Regina Visconi:



Must be 18 or older. 

Mailing Address

2500 William Cannon Rd. 607-A4